OXML.JS Examples

Export / Create OXML documents from Javascript

Git Hub

OXML.JS is a small javascript library, which can let you download / export data in open xml documents like docx and xlsx which can be opened in any desktop or online document processing application such as Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets, etc. User can export data from charts or grid without making any server calls and thus saving processing units. Open XML documents are just a ziped collection of XML files, thus only library required for oxml.js to work is JSZip, for compressing data in zip format and downloading.
Distribution Files
OXML.js comes with following distribution files as per the requirement of user.
  • oxml.min.js (~40KB): This is minified file for using document and excel exports. This is complete minified package of oxml.js library. This version of file is not optimal for development, but it is a good utility for production or usage. Right now only excel is supported.
  • oxml.js (~90KB): This is uncompressed file for using document and excel exports. This is complete package of oxml.js library and a pick for development usage if user want to modify some of the functionality. Right now only excel is supported.
Installation / Setup
Download and include oxml.js / oxml.min.js file from github repository. Only dependency for this library is JSZip, include JSZip as well. For better performance include Filesaver. It supports download functionality in most of the browsers.
    <script src="../scripts/fileSaver.min.js"></script>
    <script src="../scripts/jszip.min.js"></script>
    <script src="../scripts/oxml.min.js"></script>